Plan miasta Newchurch in Pendle

Newchurch in Pendle - Najnowsze wiadomości:

Halloween is Coming: 5 of the Scariest Places in the UK

The Pendle Witches are said to haunt the buildings, landscapes and historic villages in the shadow of Pendle Hill such as Newchurch, home of St. Mary's Church, from where they were thought to have stolen human bones. ...
źródło: BlogSearch

John Edmondson's Shire Horse, Briercliffe

He also won the first prize at Newchurch as the best draught stallion, in 1866. His dam is a celebrated brown mare, the property of Messrs. Fitton and Rawstrons, Stancliffe Hall, Hopwood, Middleton, near Manchester. ...
źródło: BlogSearch

Explore Your World - Lancashire, England

Reputedly, the city still has more hotels than the entire country of Portugal! Though not as lively as it once was, Blackpool still remains the most popular seaside resort in Britain (hmm, my money would have been on Southampton). ...
źródło: BlogSearch
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